Student Raises Over $70K For Women’s Scholarship After Professor's Comments

College Student Raises Over $70K For Women’s Scholarship After Professor’s Comments

A college student took action after a professor at her school said that women shouldn’t be recruited into fields like engineering, medicine and law. Ally Orr was angry and outraged after listening to a speech given by Scott Yenor, a professor of political philosophy at Boise State University, at a conference in November. “Every effort must be made not to recruit women into engineering, but rather to recruit and demand more of men to become engineers,” he said. “Ditto for medical school and the law and every trade.”

Ally, a 22-year-old marketing major, says she condemned Yenor’s comments on her own social media, but she felt that wasn’t enough. So when a commenter suggested a scholarship for women be created, she decided to lead the effort. “This is something that makes me so mad and I can’t just wait for someone else to do something,” she explains. So she got to work, first creating a GoFundMe to raise money for the scholarship, and then sending the link for it to faculty and staff at Boise State University to ask them to support the scholarship.

Within hours, people had donated thousands of dollars. And when word of the scholarship spread beyond the school’s campus and community, more money rolled in. Ally has now raised more than $70-thousand for the Women in STEM, Medicine and Law Scholarship, which will provide money every year to a female student studying those fields. “I never want a girl to look online and say, 'Oh look, a professor who teaches in higher education says I should stay out of STEM, medicine and law," Orr says. “They should see the scholarship and see that 500-plus donors said, 'No, I will fund you if you want to go into these areas of study.’”

Source: Good Morning America

Scott's Thoughts:

  • Well played, Ally! That’s how to turn negative comments into something positive!
  • I feel bad for all the female students who have this guy for a professor! What a dick!
  • The world needs a whole lot more Ally Orrs and fewer misogynists educating our young people!
  • As a dad of two girls, I am especially disgusted with this professor's comments. What gives him the right to say such things? I am not into the cancel culture, but he SHOULD be fired IMO.

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