Parents Give Baby 27 Middle Names After Letting Pals Pick One Each

Parents Give Baby 27 Middle Names After Letting Pals Pick One Each

We’ve heard some unique and really questionable baby names, but these parents may take the cake for giving their child the most middle names. Dad Patrick Dieter and his partner decided to let each of their friends choose a middle name for their first-born, their son, whose first name is Rain. And as a result, he ended up with 27 middle names.

Dieter explains that his son was born in the 70s, when he and his partner were heavily into their “hippie” phase. “We had an enormous extended family of fellow stoners, psychonauts, amateur yogis, and freelance enlightenment coaches,” he says. “Sharing EVERYTHING was the order of the day, and that included one’s girl/boyfriend, stash, food, and living space, NO matter how crowded it got. Because LOVE is all you need, right?”

So when baby Rain was born, his parents felt they wanted to name him something that “would reflect this huge Love Revolution that was storming the planet.” And after picking Rain as a first name, they let their closest friends come up with one middle name each. Some stuck with the weather theme, while others chose something unrelated, and Rain was told from the day he was born that he could choose any of the names he wanted to use or come up with one on his own. Dieter admits that he’s “forgotten quite a few” of his son’s names, but the ones he can remember include StormThunderCloudFireFlightAmbroseElijahFoodBirdHawkWind and Ocean.

Source: Tyla

Scott's Thoughts:

  • Well, that’s one way to make sure your kid doesn’t have the same name as anyone else in their class at school!
  • First, Middle and Last. Call me old fashioned but 3 is enough names.
  • I am glad my kids have uncommon first names.

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