Rhinoplast Yourself

Rhinoplast Yourself

YouTube is a great resource for DIYers because you can find tutorials on how to do just about anything -- even perform a nose job. 

A Brazilian man with a large shnozz ended up in the emergency room after he performed a self-rhinoplasty with help from an instructional video on YouTube. He used veterinary anesthetic to numb the pain and Krazy Glue to close the wound. But just like a man, he figured some steps in the procedure weren't necessary, like wearing gloves and cleaning the wound. So the mangled mess of a man took himself to the hospital with a badly infected nose. He was first examined by a mental health team, which seems logical in this case, and then sent to the oral and maxillofacial team to receive the necessary care. He was discharged later that day. (OddityCentral)

Scott's Thoughts:

  • Haven't we all performed some type of minor medical procedure on ourselves? 
  • Perhaps he was trying to spite his face.
  • YouTube is great for DIY projects, but leave the surgeries to the professionals. 

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