If you can't name the 3 branches of Government, turn in your American card!

Americans need a remedial civics class ... If you can name all three branches of government, congratulations. You're in the smarter minority of Americans, according to a new poll. The Annenberg Public Policy Center's annual civics survey found that fewer than half of Americans can name the executive, judicial, and legislative branches. And 25% can't even name one. When asked to name the five freedoms guaranteed under the First Amendment, 26% couldn't name a single one. (Freedom of religion, speech, press, petition, and assembly.) In fact, the most common wrong answer given was the right to bear arms, which is in the Second Amendment.

Scott's Thoughts:

  • This makes me angry!
  • I also get mad about people who claim to be patriotic and fly a flag but don't vote. Uhhhg!

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