It's On Me, Rabies for Everybody
A woman in South Dakota set off a rabies scare after she brought a raccoon with her into a bar.
According to the bartender, Cindy Smith, the woman carried the raccoon into the bar and started showing it off to the other patrons. Smith says "She showed me, and I said, 'You've got to get it out of here.'" Although she doesn't believe the raccoon bit anyone, local health officials issued a rabies alert and are urging anyone who came into contact with the animal inside the bar to get checked out. (KBZK-TV)
Scott's Thoughts:
- What kind of nut drinks with a raccoon?
- She was showing it off like no one's ever seen a raccoon before.
- The raccoon would be much more interested in being carried to the dumpster outside the bar.
- You don't have to be bitten by an animal to get rabies. Even coming into contact with its saliva may be enough. I'm not a doctor but I play one on the radio.