Trying on pants with your neck ... Ever been shopping for pants and didn’t feel like trying them on? Just use your neck! A TikToker shared a fashion hack that’s going to save all of us some time in the dressing room. All you have to do is hold the waist of the pants by each end -- and wrap it around your neck. If the two sides touch, the pants will fit. If they don’t touch, they’ll be too small. If they overlap, they might be too big. It’s worth a shot if it means we don’t have to wait for the dressing room.
Scott's Thoughts:
- Maybe this doesn't apply to plus sizes? Or as I call them... real women!
- It definitely wont work for men. We are shaped like pears with legs. Well speaking for myself anyway. Thankfully a much smaller pear than I used to be. Shoutout to Genesis Health Solutions!