Who was your fifth-grade teacher? How about first grade?

Who was your fifth-grade teacher? Many of our teachers leave a lasting impression on us, which is why the majority of Americans claim they can name every teacher they've ever had. According to a survey conducted by Kiddie Academy, 62% can name the teachers they had grade-by-grade. 76% say their teachers have had a positive impact on their lives, and 68% say they have a favorite teacher from their childhood. 

Scott's Thoughts:

Gets harder when you start changing classes so I will see if I can remember up to 6th. I use Ms. as I don't remember Mrs. or Ms.

  • Kindergarten. Ms. Dinwiddie
  • First Grade: Ms. Taylor
  • Second Grade: Ms.. Burch
  • Third Grade: Ms. Bush
  • Fourth Grade: Ms. Bain
  • Fifth Grade: Ms. Graham

I also remember a bunch/most of my middle school and high school teachers but that could take all afternoon to type out. LOL.

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