Unqualified and Overpaid

Unqualified and Overpaid

A school district in Pennsylvania recently hired a new superintendent and a lot of people are unhappy about it. Leading the charge of opposition is the new superintendent's own daughter.

The Spotsylvania's school board voted 4-to-3 in favor of hiring Mark Taylor at an annual salary of $245,000, despite the fact that he has no experience working in education -- except for the fact that he homeschooled his daughter. The problem is, his daughter has been his biggest critic and fired off a letter to the school board telling them they've made a big mistake because he is unqualified and, as a homeschooler, was a horrible teacher. 

Jael Taylor wrote, "I never in a million years really thought that they would actually consider my dad to be superintendent." She added, "For many, many years there was very little to do with any kind of textbook learning. And still to this day, I still feel like there are a lot of holes in my education." But that's not her only gripe. She says the school district is getting a superintendent who is homophobic and racist. (WUSA-TV

Scott's Thoughts:

  • The board members who voted to approve his hiring should explain why they felt he was qualified for the job.
  • His daughter says she hasn't spoken to him in two years.
  • Technically, the hiring is not yet official. Concerned parents, and Taylor's daughter, are hoping it never will be.

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