Ring Deviated From Septum

Ring Deviated From Septum

Isn't it great when you find something you had lost and thought was gone forever? A Cincinnati man finally found some old jewelry he had lost and he didn't need to go far to find it.

35-year-old Joey Lykins lost his septum piercing five years ago and couldn't find it. He eventually gave up looking and just bought a new one. Then recently, he woke up in the middle of the night with a terrible cough and difficulty breathing. He went to the hospital where a chest X-ray revealed his lost jewelry sitting in one of his lungs. He says, "The doctor came in and showed me the X-ray picture and said, ‘Does this look familiar?' I was like, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me! I’ve been looking for that.'" Doctors performed emergency surgery and were able to retrieve the piercing. (OddityCentral

Hot Takes:

  • He has 12 other piercings. He should probably take inventory.
  • He's lucky it didn't cause any real damage.
  • I would not continue to have a septum piercing after that. Come to think of it, I wouldn't have one period.

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