The screaming child surcharge

The screaming child surcharge … A restaurant in Singapore is providing diners with a quiet place to enjoy a meal without the noise of children, thanks to a $10 "screaming children surcharge” it recently implemented. Angie's Oyster Bar & Grill says customers had been complaining about kids running around the restaurant unsupervised and making a lot of noise, so they started warning parents that they will be charged $10 if their children don't behave. And so far, it's worked. The restaurant says they've seen a noticeable improvement and have received fewer complaints. 

Scott's Thoughts:

  • My children were well behaved in restaurants, but kids will be kids and can sometimes be loud..
  • Need to think about children teething, wet diapers, infections. Things happen. Parents try their best. I used to pick up my child and carry her out to the lobby or somewhere away from others till I could calm her down.

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