What Stinks?

That Stinks

A city in Utah is used to foul smells from a nearby sewage treatment plant, but lately there's a new smell that's been stinking up the place and no one knows what it is. 

Residents of North Salt Lake say they first noticed the odor on October 6th. Some have described it as "fishy" or "dog waste and garbage that’s been sitting too long.” One disgusted resident described the smell as "a catfish with a yeast infection." As of now, no one knows the source of the stench. One theory is that, because of a recent drought in the region, the water level of the Great Salt Lake is low and possibly exposing algae to rot in the sunlight. The government says it is working to figure it out. (Oddee)

Scott's Thoughts:

  • If they just deal with it long enough, they'll just get used to it and won't be bothered anymore.
  • They can always just wait and hope the smell goes away on its own.
  • You know your town stinks when you prefer to be smelling the usual sewage stench.
  • "A catfish with a yeast infection." Now that is funny!

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