Ways To Stay Active On Thanksgiving

Ways To Stay Active On Thanksgiving

With a table full of delicious food, it’s all too easy to overindulge on Thanksgiving. Loading your plate up with turkey and all the fixings feels good at first and soon after, you’re dipping into the pumpkin pie. But it doesn’t take long for all that eating to catch up and many of us end up overstuffed and uncomfortable.

While slipping into your stretchy pants is perfectly acceptable, getting up and being active can help you feel better. These are some ideas to get yourself moving on Thanksgiving and get the family to join in, too.

  • Organize an active game for the family - There’s always football, but freeze tag and dodge ball are good for families of all ages as well. You could also ask loved ones for suggestions about what they’d like to play so you’re not the only one planning the games.
  • Take a group walk - Not everyone will be into contact sports, but a stroll around the neighborhood? That’s an activity even low-key participants could get behind. Organize the walk for 30 minutes to an hour after dinner to get the most benefit from walking and talking with family and friends.
  • Participate in a Turkey Trot - For those interested in more challenging movement, these races are typically held on Thanksgiving morning, because who wants to run a race after a huge meal? If you can’t find a Turkey Trot happening in your community, you can just DIY and encourage family members to join you for a short morning run.
  • Help with dinner clean up - This one benefits you and your host! Offer to clear the table, do dishes, take the trash out, sweep the porch or anything else that keeps you up and moving around. Carrying plates, moving chairs and tables and scrubbing pots and pans can all give you a post-turkey dinner mini-workout.
  • Jump up during a commercial - While you’re watching the game or a holiday show, use the ad breaks to be active. Run upstairs and back, or power walk around the house or up and down the driveway for a few minutes. Getting on your feet and getting your heart rate up, even briefly, will help you feel better after the big meal.

Source: Farm Fit Living

Scott's Thoughts:

  • I’m pretty sure my family would revolt if I asked them to do anything physical, aside from eating, on Thanksgiving!
  • For me, it is now easier to just try not to eat as much.
  • I don't want to gain back all the weight I lost in one day! LOL.

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