Men Share Things Women Do That Confuse Them

As much as men and women are alike, a Reddit thread is highlighting some of the differences. It asks, “Men of Reddit, what is something us women do that baffles you?” And it seems people have a lot of feelings on the topic as the post has more than 22-thousand responses.

These are some of the best responses about what women do that really confuses men:

  • "My wife likes to do this silent whisper thing when she doesn’t want the kids to know what she's saying. She mouths words, but she exaggerates the movement of her mouth to the point where I don’t know what the heck she’s saying. It always ends in frustration for both of us, but she keeps doing it."
  • "When she asks you what she should eat. I name five things and she says she's not in the mood for any of it. Then why did you ask me in the first place?!"
  • "The way women don’t dress for the occasion. They dress for the arrival. And then after five minutes they are already uncomfortable."
  • "Decorative pillows. A bed for two people needs eight pillows. Why?! The couch seats four so it gets twelve pillows. Why?!”
  • "Maybe it's just my wife, but she waits until I’m just out of ear shot to start telling me important information. All I hear is Charlie Brown teacher noises."
  • "Getting mad at me for something 'I' did in her dreams."
  • "Why do you share intimate details about our sex life to your friends? It’s strange to me because contrary to what happens in high school movies, guys don’t talk about bedroom stuff to our buddies. That’s private, and we don’t like when you do it."
  • "Take whatever time you need to get ready, whether it be 30 minutes or three hours, but then you rush us to put our shoes on when we're about to leave."
  • "Buying things on sale and saying you saved 50% percent, even though you could have saved 100% by not buying it in the first place."
  • "What are all the bottles in the bathroom and all around the shower? Why do you need 300 different potions to clean yourself?"

Source: Reddit

Scott's Thoughts:

  • Yeah so why do you need so many products? Shampoo, conditioner and body soap are all in the same bottle for us.
  • I am sure we sometimes confuse ladies.
  • Ladies, just know we don't always understand.

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