100-Year-Old Woman’s Secret To Happy Life: Avoiding “Strange Men”

A woman in the U.K. with a century of life experience is sharing her wisdom. Olive Westerman recently celebrated her 100th birthday and she’s seen and done many things over the years, having traveled around the world with her late husband Sam, who was a writer and travel clerk.

Now Olive is revealing her secret to a long, happy life like hers and she says it’s really pretty simple. The centenarian suggests steering clear of certain people is key, if you want to get to her age. “Avoid talking to strange men and you’ll be just fine,” the wise woman says.

While Olive and Sam didn’t have kids of their own, she did spend a lot of time working with children and credits that with helping to keep her young at heart. The birthday gal says she can’t believe she’s 100 now, but “it feels amazing.” She was also absolutely thrilled to get a birthday card from King Charles and Camilla. Beyond avoiding strange men, Olive says, “I think that the best advice I could give is simply to be happy and content to be alive, and to make the most of what you have.”

Source: Tyla

Scott's Thoughts:

  • Not talking to strange men sounds like solid advice for women of all ages! This coming from a "strange man."
  • I seriously doubt I will see 100. Lived too hard in my younger days.
  • Listen to older people. They are wise and have great stories.

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