Burning Down the House (A Florida Man Story)

We all occasionally have bad days, but it doesn't get much worse than one in which you lose your house, everything you own, and your freedom.

Police and firefighters responded to a 911 call about a house fire and arrived to find the home of 34-year-old Wyatt Guy completely engulfed in flames. They saw Guy standing outside the house and told him to move away from it, but he instead turned around and ran back inside and locked the door. While this was going on, police ran a background check on him and discovered that he had several active warrants for violating his probation. No only that, he was also the cause of the fire.

Guy told police that he had gotten code enforcement called on his house because of a big mess in his yard and he tried to clean it up by burning some of the trash. Unfortunately, the flames spread to a boat and then to the house which quickly became engulfed in flames. Rather than risk their own lives to go into the house to arrest him, they waited for him to come out and that's when they nabbed him. (WPBF-TV)

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