Friends are our chosen family, so you want to choose wisely, since we all know making friends as an adult can be challenging. Some friends may be more casual acquaintances, while others become your ride-or-die besties. Certain traits are essential for those you want to build healthy, lasting friendships with, including these.
- You like being around them - It all starts with this, because if you don’t enjoy spending time with this person, why would you want to be friends with them? You can laugh and have fun with a great friend and deep conversations easily flow between you and leave you feeling nurtured and filled up.
- They boost you up - They support you when you’re down, and encourage and inspire you to be the best version of yourself.
- They share your happiness and pain - The best friends are there to celebrate our wins, as well as hurt when you’re hurting. They feel pride and joy at your accomplishments and cushion your landing during your toughest times.
- They’re honest with you - Being supportive is one thing, but you also need to trust that your friend is truthful with you, even if it’s not easy and they have to call you on your B.S.
- You can be your truest self around them - With a true friend, you’re comfortable being you and showing up authentically, which builds on your sense of belonging and acceptance with them.
- They’re emotionally mature - In long-term friendships, you won’t always agree, but their emotional maturity makes healthy conflict resolution possible.
- They make time for you - It’s a basic necessity in a good friend and it means they’ll be there for you, even when it’s not convenient for them. They put the effort in to maintain your friendship and prioritize spending time with you.
- They make you feel validated and seen - A truly great friend makes you feel understood and validated. They just get you and love you and it’s one of the best feelings in the world.
Source: Mind Body Green
Scott's Thoughts:
- A true friend will always tell you when you have spinach in your teeth and won’t judge you for canceling plans because you don’t feel like putting on pants!
- The best friendships are the ones that are lifelong. They will have ebbs and flows because life happens.
- With a job that eats lots of hours, significant other and kids, it is hard to maintain friendships.