Man Who Stole Thumb From Statue Faces Up To Two Years In Jail

Man Who Stole Thumb Off Statue Faces Up To Two Years In Jail: A man in Delaware who’s been accused of stealing the thumb of a 2,000-year-old Chinese sculpture has accepted a plea deal. Michael Rohana allegedly snapped the thumb off a terra cotta warrior during a 2017 “ugly sweater” party at the Franklin Institute. Rohana will reportedly plead guilty to charges of interstate trafficking, which carries with it up to two years in prison and a fine of $20,000. In case you’re wondering what the thumb of a statue goes for these days, this one is worth around $5,000.

In other stupid criminal news...

Carjacker Rams Into Multiple Cars Due To An Anti-Theft Steering Wheel: A woman in California who tried to carjack a driver in a grocery store parking lot ended up ping-ponging off several cars instead. Cell phone footage shows a woman calling out for help as the driver throws the car in reverse before slamming into several other cars around her. Detectives say the 27-year-old woman tried to steal the victim's purse, which ended up pulling the victim out of the car as well. However, the carjacker must’ve not expected to encounter an anti-theft club on the steering wheel. After hitting several vehicles, she tried to bail. That’s when two men tackled her until the police arrived. Two people were treated at the scene and the carjacker was arrested and taken to a hospital.

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