Being a woman can be fantastic, but it does have its downsides, too. A Reddit thread digs into this topic by asking, “What’s the worst part of being a woman in 2023?” People are not holding back, as thousands of responses have come in and these are some of the best.

  • "People don't freaking believe you. They think women are not able to accurately remember or interpret their own experiences."
  • "Women's medical procedures are constantly being done with no pain management. Some examples are a colposcopy (where they literally cut out a chunk of your cervix for biopsy while you aren’t even provided with a Tylenol) or an IUD insertion. "
  • "Having old men tell you what you can and can't do with your body."
  • "Everything I say is an argument. I can’t have any opinions without it getting brought back to man-hating. My own experiences are argued against, and it's exhausting."
  • "The development of AI and deep fake technologies terrifies me. They can literally generate naked pictures from a normal one. So, as a woman, I personally don't feel safe posting pictures online these days."
  • "The obsessive culture around anti-aging that begins as a teen."
  • "Being thought of as a b*tch when you're not overly accommodating and agreeable, when men who act similarly would not be received negatively for it."
  • "The amount of hate women get for being non-traditionally feminine and the amount of hate given to trans women."
  • "The responsibility always seems to get put on women to prevent pregnancy, and every time a man is asked to wear a condom, they complain because 'it doesn't feel the same' or 'it's uncomfortable.'"
  • "I'm not taken seriously when I present medical issues to doctors."
  • "The way that women are supposed to dress compared to men — especially in business situations — is ridiculous. Why do we have to wear high heels, tight skirts, jewelry, and makeup, when men get to wear a comfy loose suit and flat shoes?"
  • "Being judged for not wanting to have kids."
  • "People seem to only care about how you look."

Source: Reddit

Scott's Thoughts:

  • Well sometimes being a dude is not a bed of roses. Just saying.
  • We just have to be what we are. Don't worry about what others think.
  • Let’s put a positive spin on it - what’s the best part of being a woman in 2023??

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