Stupid Criminal News: Texas Customs Seizes Cheese Wheels Full Of Cocaine

Texas Customs Seizes Cheese Wheels Full Of Cocaine: A 22-year-old US citizen is facing charges after attempting to transport four giant wheels of cheese from Mexico into the Presidio Port of Entry in Texas recently…that actually weren’t cheese. An X-ray of the cheese revealed “anomalies,” which inspection turned out to contain a whopping 17.8 pounds of cocaine concealed inside the wheels, according to customs and border protection. Daniel Mercado, director of Customs and Border Protection at the Presidio Port says, “Smugglers will sometimes try to conceal contraband in items that appear innocent to deflect suspicion,” adding, “The thorough and extensive inspections performed by CBP officers stopped this unusual drug load from reaching its intended destination.”

In other lowlife stupid criminal news...

Husband Busted For Battery After Wife Watched Something On TV He Disagreed With: A man in Florida has been detained for battering his wife for watching a TV program “that mentioned a homosexual comment,” according to police. James Barr, 62, reportedly declared to his wife Linda, also 62, “I’m not having that in my house.” Barr, who police say showed signs of intoxication, then grabbed his wife’s arms and pushed her down into a recliner, where he “held her down in the chair not letting her get up”. During her police interview, officers noted Linda “had a minor injury of broken skin on her left inner forearm” where she said Barr grabbed her. Barr was arrested on a misdemeanor battery charge and booked into jail but was soon freed on a $500 bond. Linda has asked that the criminal charges be dropped and Barr, who has pleaded not guilty, is next due in court on August 29th.

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