Turtle On the (Slow) Run

Pennsylvania is the site of yet another manhunt, only this one involves an escapee who couldn't have gotten very far, because he's a tortoise.

The Mahoning Valley Animal Hospital in Leighton, Pennsylvania has put out an APB (all-points bulletin) for Tank, a pet tortoise who lives at the facility and belongs to veterinarian Mike Nelson. Tank lives in an outdoor pen, but recently plowed through a hole in the fence and got loose. He's been on the run, or at least a slow stroll, ever since and now residents in the neighborhood are being asked to keep an eye out for him. One of the vet technicians says Tank is also referred to as "Houdini" because he keeps escaping. She says, "This is probably the third time he's gotten loose. We found him the past two times, obviously relatively close. The last time he was missing for maybe about two weeks."

The animal hospital says Tank is very food-driven and could be found chomping on someone's garden. They want residents to know he is not vicious and he doesn't bite. (WNEP-TV)

Scott's Thoughts and Dad Jokes:

  • I hope he's OK and this doesn't end in turtle disaster.
  • If there's one thing Tank tortoise, it's that these shelled reptiles can bust through a fence.
  • He couldn't have gotten far. Why is it so hard to find him?

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