Saying “thank you” is an easy way to show your gratitude and it’s something Americans say six times on an average day, a new survey finds. That adds up to around 22-hundred times a year and it’s just one of the ways people express their appreciation regularly.

The poll of 2-thousand U.S. adults over age 21 looks into the ways people practice thankfulness daily and during the holiday season and finds:

  • The majority (83%) of people try to practice some form of gratitude on a daily basis. Top ways they do this include keeping a written “gratitude list” (40%) and expressing their gratitude verbally (25%).
  • Aside from their families, people feel gratitude toward their friends (55%), neighbors (51%), bosses (50%), their hairstylists (41%), doctors/health professionals (29%) and service workers (28%).
  • More than half (55%) of respondents feel they have more to be thankful for this year than last year, including their homes (63%), good health (54%), pets (51%), and their jobs (43%).
  • Just over three-quarters (77%) say the holidays make them feel more grateful than any other time of year and 75% express that gratitude more often as well.
  • To show their appreciation to those they’re thankful for during the holidays, people give personally chosen gifts (53%), have heartfelt conversations (53%), leave video or voice messages (47%) and cook for them (16%).
  • While 73% admit that the busyness of life can make it hard to remember to be thankful for things in their lives, 64% plan to reflect on 2023 at the end of the year and appreciate all that’s happened.
  • Eight in 10 have already set a goal to regularly practice gratitude in 2024.

Source: SWNS Digital

Scott's Thoughts:

  • Sure, people are thankful for their doctors, but more people are thankful for their hairstylists!
  • We should all be more grateful.
  • What are you most grateful for this year? Do you feel you have more to be thankful for this year than last?

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