Woman Gets A Claw Machine, Reveals Why You Never Win

For all the kids (and some adults) who’ve walked away crying after several tries picking up a toy with the claw machine, there’s a method to the game’s madness. A TikToker in Australia named Katie Clark purchased her own claw machine and went through the instructions which explain the “scam”.

“There’s a little washer here on this model and if you have it installed, it will increase [the strength], remove it to lessen,” Clark reveals, adding that you can modify the strength of the claw machine, which allows the machine’s owner to increase or decrease the chances of winning a prize. “We all knew, but when it’s documented, it’s printed – it’s more legit. Now it’s confirmed.” So, did Clark ever win a prize? Yes…after a whopping 18 times. Video Below!

Source: NY Post

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