Worst Secret Santa gifts

Secret Santa gift exchanges are a great idea ... in theory. Sure, the mystery of who drew your name out of the hat is fun and all, but in the end, it's just people exchanging gifts that no one really wants. USA Today did some asking around and came up with the worst Secret Santa gifts:

  • Socks or other articles of clothing: Do you know their size? You could end up insulting them.
  • Alcohol: Unless you know the recipient enjoys it and isn't a recovering alcoholic.
  • Used or recycled items: Nobody wants something that's been used.
  • Home decor and kitchen appliances: The decor may not be their style and they may not need anymore appliances.
  • Health-related items: This can only end in embarrassment.
  • Gag gifts: Unless you know the recipient well and are certain they will appreciate a gag, don't do it.
  • No gift: The worst thing you can get is nothing at all. Don't be that person.

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