It really is the most romantic time of the year, with couples enjoying walking hand in hand in the snow, cuddling up by the fire and kissing under the mistletoe. While these may be clichéshaving someone to spend the holidays with is appealing, and a new survey finds that 66% of people prefer to be in a relationship in the winter. It is known as cuffing season, after all.

But just because you’re coupled up doesn’t mean everything will be merry and bright. There are all kinds of things your partner could do that are major turnoffs during the holiday season and the survey reveals the biggest offending behaviors.

The Top 10 Christmas Icks

  1. Getting too drunk at a family holiday gathering (38%)
  2. Them not getting along with your family (34%)
  3. Putting the Christmas tree up too early (18%)
  4. Talking politics at the holiday dinner table (12%)
  5. Being hungover on Christmas Day (11%)
  6. Hating Christmas/Being a Grinch (10%)
  7. Not putting gravy on their Christmas dinner (10%)
  8. Fighting with your family over a board game (9%)
  9. Having a boring, beige Christmas dinner (no veggies) (8%)
  10. Leaving the Christmas decorations up in January (7%).

Source: Metro

Scott's Thoughts:

  • How can not eating gravy at Christmas dinner be as big an ick as being a Grinch? Is gravy really an essential part of every single Christmas dinner?
  • I agree on the politics. I don't want to hear my right winged family talk about how much they love Donald Trump. After all, I don't talk about NOT liking him!
  • My Christmas decorations come down with the new year. Maybe not January 1st, but early in January.

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