Do you feel like it’s harder to commit to a fitness routine or a partner? That’s what a new survey asks 2-thousand U.S. adults who work out at least once a week, and one in five say it’s tougher to commit to a workout routine than a significant other.

The poll about finding your perfect match in love, fitness and beyond finds:

  • Over the last 10 years, people have tried around five different workout regimens and had four different, serious partners.
  • More than two-thirds (68%) are likely to stick to a fitness routine that doesn’t necessarily work for them just because it’s comfortable.
  • That’s more than the 53% of respondents who say they’re likely to stay with the wrong partner for the same reason.
  • When asked to define what makes a “perfect match,” 66% say it’s something or someone that helps them reach their goals.
  • For others, it’s something or someone that gives them warm, fuzzy feelings (61%), or someone or something that pushes them to be the best version of themselves (47%).
  • The average American has found four perfect matches, including their best friend (46%), therapist or psychiatrist (41%), partner (41%), doctor (40%) and even a gym (32%).
  • Nearly half (45%) have found their perfect workout, while 24% are still on the search for it.
  • The top dealbreakers for starting a new romantic relationship are the amount of money they’d have to spend on a partner (52%), where they live (52%) and how much time they’d need to devote to them (40%).
  • It turns out, those same three things are the top dealbreakers for starting a new fitness routine.
  • While 20% struggle more with committing to a fitness routine at first, 22% have a harder time letting go when it’s time to change up their workouts.

Source: SWNS Digital

Scott's Thoughts:

  • That’s a lot of people staying in the wrong relationship and workout routine just because it’s easy!
  • The fear of being alone is a real thing.
  • Sometimes we have to say, maybe this is as good as it gets!

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