Lots of people love to drive, pretty much everyone hates being stuck in traffic, especially when they’re running late. But it’s not just rush hour that leads to frustration behind the wheel, gas prices and road conditions can also ruin a trip in the car, of course, they’re worse in some parts of the country than others and a new report reveals where folks have it the best.

  • WalletHub’s list of the Best and Worst States to Drive In for 2024 has just come out.
  • They ranked all 50 states across 31 key factors related to a positive commute, comparing them on everything from average gas prices to rush-hour traffic congestion to road quality.
  • This year, the best state for driving is Iowa, which comes in fifth for cost of owning and maintaining a car and sixth for traffic and infrastructure.
  • Rhode Island, 43rd overall, is number one for safety, while California, 46th overall, first for access to vehicles and maintenance.
  • On the flip side, the worst state for driving is Hawaii, which comes in eighth for safety, but is second to last for cost of ownership and maintenance and near the bottom for traffic and infrastructure, as well as access to vehicles and maintenance.

Top 10 Best States to Drive In

(Click here to find out where your state lands)

  1. Iowa
  2. Georgia
  3. Kansas
  4. Oklahoma
  5. Alabama
  6. North Carolina
  7. Ohio
  8. Tennessee
  9. Texas
  10. North Dakota

The 10 Worst States to Drive In

  1. Hawaii
  2. Washington
  3. Delaware
  4. West Virginia
  5. California
  6. Massachusetts
  7. Nevada
  8. Rhode Island
  9. Vermont
  10. Montana

Source: WalletHub

Scott's Thoughts:

  • Hawaii must be horrible for driving if it’s worse than California!
  • West Virginia is number 4. As someone who was born there and visits, I can agree with this. Coal trucks tear up roads.
  • Driving for the fun of driving is not one of my things anymore. Maybe when I was younger.

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