The first day of spring. AKA vernal, equinox! (what it means)

Spring is finally here! Those are welcome words for millions of people who suffered through a brutal winter and are celebrating the spring equinox, which will occur late tonight. But what do you know about the spring equinox, other than that it means winter is over and you'll soon be able to shed some layers of clothes? The spring, or vernal, equinox can occur at any time between March 19th and March 21st, depending on the year. In most years, the first day of spring is March 20th. The word equinox is a combination of two Latin words meaning equal and night. On the equinox, day and night last almost the same amount of time because the sun is moving directly over the equator.

It’s the first day of spring … Are you over the cold? Seems when it comes to cold weather, we have a limit. A survey by Jergens found that 52% of women say they can only put up with about seven weeks of wintry weather before they need to go somewhere warm. A majority of the women surveyed said they are looking forward to temps in the mid-60s by the start of spring, with 30% saying they wanted the temps to be at least 70 degrees.

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