Tennessee Man Suffers From “Demonic Face Syndrome”

It’s a strong possibility that you’ve never heard of something called “demonic face syndrome,” but it’s really a thing. The medical term is “prosopometamorphosis,” or PMO, and it’s so rare that only 75 cases have been discovered. One of those affected by it is a man in Tennessee who woke up one morning to find the faces of everyone he knew, and didn’t know, to have “ears, noses, and mouths stretched back, and deep grooves appearing in their foreheads, cheeks, and chins.” It would almost be as if everyone you saw had a similar appearance to The Joker from “Batman.” Victor Sarrah says he started experiencing the disorder in 2020, but it was only recently diagnosed as PMO. Doctors believe that it came from either “head trauma” or “carbon monoxide poisoning,” and all Sarrah can do right now is hope it goes away on its own.

Source: Oddity Central

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