In-Demand Jobs In The AI world

In-demand jobs … The threat of AI in the workplace is real, which is why if you’re just graduating (or looking for your next career), it would be nice to know which jobs will be in demand in the next decade. According to Go Banking Rates, these jobs are not only “future-proof” and high-paying, but they all actually benefit from AI:

  1. Accountant
  2. Editor
  3. Healthcare professional
  4. Creative professional (the arts, music, design, and writing all need the human perspective)
  5. Social worker
  6. Trade worker
  7. Human resources
  8. Teacher
  9. Cybersecurity professional
  10. Project manager

Speaking of Working....

Four days a week .... As talk of a four-day workweek gets more attention around the country, it's young workers who are really pushing hard for it, and according to a new survey, they insist it would result in more productivity. The survey from CNBC found that 81% of workers between the ages of 18 and 34 believe a four-day week would boost their company's productivity. Just 19% said it would decline. Some companies have been testing it out, and early reports have shown that it did in fact strengthen employee performance and reduced burnout. Some companies have begun toying with the idea of having employees work four days in the office and then Fridays at home, since they have found that productivity is generally lower on Fridays anyway. Some European companies including Germany, Belgium, Portugal, and the UK have been trying out the four-day workweek and say the results have been successful. 

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