A lot of people dream about striking it rich one day, but some actually think they know a way to make it happen. According to a new survey, 33% of Americans say they have an exciting idea they think could make them wealthy one day.

So how do these people think they’re going to do it? The research reveals:

  • For 17% of those with an idea they think could lead to their fortune, the idea involves inheritance or using family money.
  • Four in 10 want to start a business or service as their wealth-driving idea, while 27% think they have a stock tip that could make them rich.
  • And some think they’re ready for “Shark Tank,” as 26% of those with a big idea believe they’ve come up with a game-changing product that’s never been seen before.
  • Some of these ideas include a new kind of ceiling fan, plans for a new social media platform, and an irresistible food truck.
  • Others are hoping their creative endeavors pay off, so they’re working on the next great American novel or making music they hope to share with the world one day.
  • But if that doesn’t work out, 19% of respondents say they have a feeling in their bones that they’ll win big in the lottery someday.
  • Men are a lot more confident that their idea will help them get rich than women (39% of men believe this compared to 26% of women).
  • Overall, only 10% of respondents consider themselves “very lucky” with money, and 21% feel “somewhat lucky.”
  • That will come in handy, as 39% say they’ll need some kind of luck or financial win so they can be comfortable later in life, while 10% are counting on an inheritance for financial security.

Source: Talker

Scott's Thoughts:

  • Sorry, but the folks hoping to win the lottery to strike it rich probably need some kind of a backup plan, just in case!
  • I come up with a great idea in the shower, but then forget by the time I am drying with the towel!
  • I am giving up on the lottery. It has really let me down!

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