How Dogs Boost Owners’ Emotional, Mental & Physical Health

Are you on the fence about whether or not to bring a dog into your life? This may be your sign, as new research suggests getting one might just be one of the best things you can do for your health.

According to a poll of 2-thousand dog owners, 39% of Americans say their emotional health is most improved by their dog (38%), with mental (27%) and physical health (25%) coming in a close second and third.

  • Dogs boost their owner’s mood an average of nine times every day, by making them laugh (73%), playing (68%), snuggling (67%) and just hanging out together on the couch (64%).
  • For 61%, spending time with their dog is the best part of their entire day.
  • Dogs help improve mental and emotional well-being by comforting their humans when they’re sad (69%) and helping them during stressful times (60%).
  • Nearly half (45%) say their dog listens to them when they need to vent and 35% say their dog inspires them to take better care of themselves.
  • When it comes to physical health, 81% of those polled say they’re more active because of their dog and 48% admit their pup is often the only reason they get up and move.
  • This includes going on regular walks (86%), playing games (71%), running (29%) and hiking (25%) with their dog.
  • Dogs also help their owners wake up at a reasonable time (40%) and make them more aware of their physical capabilities (39%).
  • Almost three-quarters (71%) of respondents think their dog is a better athlete than they are.
  • Two-thirds (66%) say their dog is their mental and emotional support system, while 36% say their dog is like their psychologist by supporting their mental health and boosting their mood.
  • Some see their dog as a teammate (27%) as someone who helps them reach their goals, or their biggest cheerleader (22%) who encourages them to do their best.
  • Owning a dog has taught 70% of respondents patience, as well as empathy (41%), stamina (36%) and resilience (26%).

Source: SWNS Digital

Scott's Thoughts:

  • I always thought I would have a dog by now. Nope. Still a crazy cat man.
  • I have got friends whose lives revolve around their dogs. They seem so happy.
  • They are called our best friends for a reason.

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