And The Most Fun State In America Is …

What does “fun” mean to you? We all have our own ideas about what’s considered “fun,” for some it’s going to clubs, while others enjoy an amusement park or exploring the great outdoors. But it seems in some places, fun isn’t just an option, it’s a way of life, and a new report reveals where those places are.

  • WalletHub’s annual list of the Most Fun States In America has just come out.
  • They ranked all 50 states on 26 key indicators of a budget-friendly good time in two main areas - entertainment & recreation and nightlife.
  • They looked at everything from the cost of going to the movies to accessibility to national parks to the average price of beer and wine.
  • Topping the list this year as the Most Fun State is Florida, which comes in second for entertainment & recreation and third for nightlife.
  • California, second overall, is number one for entertainment & recreation, while Nevada, third overall, is first for nightlife.
  • At the bottom of the list is West Virginia, making it the least fun state. Mississippi and Delaware round out the bottom three.
  • IN CASE YOU WONDERED... Virginia hits right in the middle at number 26. Not bad!?

Top Ten Most Fun States In America

(Click here to see where your state lands on the list)

  1. Florida
  2. California
  3. Nevada
  4. New York
  5. Colorado
  6. Illinois
  7. Texas
  8. Washington
  9. Minnesota
  10. Louisiana

Source: WalletHub

Scott's Thoughts:

  • With all those beaches and theme parks, who wouldn’t have fun in Florida?
  • No surprise that Nevada is number 3. VEGAS!
  • I think Virginia is a pretty fun state too!

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