If you need a bowling ball, a Michigan homeowner has a spare.
David Olson was demolishing the back steps of his house in Muskegon when he noticed what appeared to be a bowling ball buried underneath. At first he thought it was probably dumped there to fill a hole, but as he kept digging, he kept finding more bowling balls. Over the next few days, he unearthed 160 Brunswick bowling balls.
Olson says his house was built in 1959 while the Brunswick Bowling Products factory was still in Muskegon. It has since moved to Mexico. He contacted the company and was told that back in the day, workers used to take unusable bowling balls home to use in construction projects. He says while none of the balls are in good enough condition to use for bowling, he plans to use some for edging around his yard and give some away of anyone wants them. (Detroit Free Press)
Scott's Thoughts and Dad Jokes:
- That's a pretty ballsy construction job.
- He's got big balls. Bowling balls. Get your mind out of the gutter.
- I could use some. Maybe I'll take seven or ten and split.