Here's a non-shocking stat … 75% of coffee drinkers say they can’t go a day without coffee. Actually, what’s shocking is that it’s not a higher percentage than that. The survey also found that the average coffee drinker has two cups a day and takes about 20 minutes to finish each cup. And this is interesting … 61% said drinking coffee is not as enjoyable to them if they’re stressed.
Here are the best and worst places to have coffee, according to the survey:
Best Place to Enjoy Coffee:
- At home -- 33%
- While reading a book -- 17%
- On a balcony/porch/patio -- 17%
- While watching the news -- 16%
- At a café -- 16%
The Worst Places to Have Coffee:
- While commuting -- 17%
- While doing laundry - -17%
- While exercising -- 16%
- While cooking -- 16%
- While on the phone -- 16%