When we think about the ways we use our energy, we tend to think of “draining” tasks like work, commuting, running errands and such. But everything we do takes energy and there are little, everyday things that drain our energy, too. Melissa Urban, the co-founder and CEO of Whole30 and “New York Times” bestselling author, calls these “energy leakages.” She describes them as ‘the invisible ways we spend energy throughout the day that leave us feeling drained.”
Urban points out that every interaction we have, whether it’s meeting a friend for lunch or replying to a social media comment, is an “energetic exchange” and that sometimes those exchanges leave you feeling really positive and restored, but other times, they leave you feeling depleted, anxious or frustrated. Those are the interactions that result in energy leakage, as she says they consume “more energy than they’re giving back.”
These are some of the unexpected ways you’re draining your energy:
- Your phone and social media - Most of the time we’re not getting any energy back after scrolling through social media, especially if you’re comparing your life to someone else’s on Instagram or reading negative comments.
- Kids - Sure, they need things all the time but sometimes parents add to this energy leak, like by interrupting a child who’s playing quietly to ask if they need a snack.
- People in your life can be “energy vampires” - After you spend time with these types, you “just feel like they sucked all the life out of you,” Urban explains.
- Holding onto anger - Staying mad about things that happened in the past, like when you get cut off in traffic and let it ruin your afternoon, and holding grudges, and even negative self-talk are all energy leakages.
- To help combat this feeling - Try giving yourself a reward after you do something that’s draining so you can look forward to that during the draining activity. You can also limit your time with people who drain your energy and for activities that lead to energy leakage, like social media.
Source: Huff Post
Scott's Thoughts:
- This is helpful for many of us who are heading home for the holidays and the energy vampires that will be there!
- Stress! Having too much to do, or at least perceiving that i have too much to do.
- I'm not messing with social media nearly as much as I used to.