The holidays are over … and now the bills are coming due. According to research by WalletHub, 1 in 3 Americans overspent during the holidays. 59% said inflation affected their holiday spending, but 43% said it was worth going into credit card debt this holiday season.
Speaking of money... Working from home is better than more money … particularly for moms. A survey by Baby Center found that even a salary bump of $10,000 a year isn’t enough to entice a lot of moms to go back into the office. The working moms surveyed said they prefer working from home or having a flexible work schedule than more money. The simple reason – it’s easier to balance work and home. “These findings demonstrate the fact that moms see remote work as a way to reduce the conflict between career and home responsibilities,” said perinatal psychiatrist Sipra Laddha.
Speaking of jobs … Did you start a new job in the new year? Give yourself some time. New research found it takes the average American worker a year and seven months to feel like they’re “thriving” in a new career.