One of the highlights of kids’ lives is their birthday party, but for parents? These events aren’t as easy to pull off as you might think. That’s because 73% of moms and dads say their little ones aren’t easy to impress when it comes to these annual celebrations, according to a new survey.
It asked 2-thousand parents of kids between three and 12 about children’s birthday parties and found:
- The average kid’s birthday party includes 16 guests, nine gifts and three hours of celebrating.
- Top things kids expect at their birthday party include their favorite foods (67%), costumed characters or clowns (56%), inflatable playsets (44%) or laser tag (43%).
- Kids also have specific party themes in mind for their big event, and the most popular picks are unicorns (46%) and video-games (41%).
- Parents also have their own must-haves to create a successful party for their child’s birthday, including the right guest list (58%), activities (58%), treats (58%) and goodie bags or party favors (49%).
- More than three-quarters of moms and dads (78%) admit they put a lot of pressure on themselves to make their little one’s party as amazing as it can be.
- Eight in 10 parents (82%) think kids parties today are a lot different than when they were growing up, with 61% saying the celebrations and decor are more over-the-top and 55% note the cake is more often store-bought than homemade.
- The things that stress parents out most when planning their child’s birthday party are having enough time to plan it (55%), keeping it affordable (55%), figuring out what foods to serve (52%) and deciding on the guest list (51%).
Source: SWNS Digital
Scott's Thoughts:
- Figuring out what food to serve is easy as long as you have things for the kids who are vegan, nut-free, gluten-free and soy-free!
- My kids were easy to please. Or at least that is my perception.
- I always preferred a trip to either Chuck-E-Cheese, or Lakeside Amusement Park. (I know I just dated myself on the latter.)