Scott Stevens

Scott Stevens

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Dad Gets Son A Manicure After Teacher Says It’s Only For Girls

A dad in California is standing up for his child following a teacher’s negative comment. Christian Shearhod, a teacher in Los Angeles County, took his three-year-old son, Ashton, to get a manicure and pedicure after the boy’s preschool teacher said “painting your nails is only for girls.”

“My son came home from school upset because his teacher told him that painting his nails is only for girls, so today I’m taking him to the nail shop!” Christian says in a video shared to TikTok over the weekend. The clip, which has racked up over 4-million views, shows Ashton having a blast getting his nails and toes done at the nail salon, and excitedly announcing, “I want pink!”

Shearhod says his son first showed an interest in nail polish around age two and since then, they’ve been painting their nails together. So Ashton was upset by his teacher’s remark and his dad wanted to make sure he didn’t feel guilt or shame about something he enjoys. The father explains that he wants his son to enjoy his childhood without “strict gender norms” and has asked Ashton’s teachers not to say that kind of thing to him anymore.

Source: NBC News

Scott's Thoughts:

  • Good for this dad! Everyone loves a little pampering from time to time.
  • Did you ever have to talk to one of your child’s teachers after they made a negative comment to your child? I didn't... thankfully.
  • There is nothing wrong with a little boy wanting to get his nails done.

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