Scott Stevens

Scott Stevens

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Were you dumped on Valentine's Day?

Dumped on Valentine’s Day? Don’t worry – a doctor says your broken heart can heal … with a healthy diet. Yep, according to UK physician Dr. Chun Tang, a breakup can actually cause “physical pain,” but soothing the hurt with ice cream and pizza makes things worse. Instead, he says the broken-hearted should opt for fresh fruit, vegetables, and fish – which can boost your mood. He also says it’s important to discuss your feelings and not keep things bottled up.

Speaking of breakups … It seems “ghosting,” basically ignoring someone to end the relationship instead of actually telling them in-person, is becoming an increasingly normal way to break up with someone. Researchers from the University of Georgia found that two in three people have “ghosted” someone they were dating -- and have also been ghosted themselves.

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