A British dad who took his kids to a McDonald's with a play area is now finding himself in a battle over a bizarre fine he received.
Marcus Ward says his wife took their kids to Mickey D's for lunch and to let the kids hang out in the restaurant's play area. But a few days later, Ward says a $60 fine arrived in the mail because his wife and kids were parked at the McDonald's too long. A letter stated that their car exceeded the 90 minute parking limit by just 10 minutes. Ward, who has lived in the area his entire life, says he was unaware that such a limit exists and is refusing to pay the ticket. He says, "You have got a soft play at that McDonald’s, so you are going to be there for a lot longer than a normal McDonald’s. If you break down how long it takes a parent to get kids out of the car, change them, feed them, and soft play, it is definitely over an hour and a half."
Ward says his refusal to pay has less to do with the money and more about the principle. Meanwhile, his failure so far to pay it has resulted in the fine growing to about $200. (Fox News)