If you’re one of those people who loves the idea of plants all over your house but gave up the notion when your babies went from bright green to brittle brown, there’s still hope for you. Here is a list of plants that will bring happiness and health to your humble abode while being hearty enough to thrive without a green thumb…
Aloe Vera: These little guys don’t need a ton of space and they’re succulents, which means they thrive in dry conditions with bright, light. And since they only need to be watered every two to four weeks, they’re virtually kill-proof.
The Sill English Ivy: These perennials are known to reduce pollen and dust, which is great for allergy sufferers. And since they do best in indirect light with weekly watering, you don’t need much to keep these plants happy.
Bloomscape Golden Pothos: Think you’re gonna kill this thing? Challenge accepted. Goldon Pothos gets the nickname Devil’s Ivy by being very hard to kill. It also thrives in low light, so try bringing it to the office and watch it thrive.
Exotic Lithops: These small, round dudes are often called living stones because they really do look like green and purple pebbles. They can survive in winter with little to no water since they take on a dormant state, almost like hibernation.
The ZZ Plant: This cheerful, leafy plant is incredibly drought tolerant. It’s also believed to foster friendships and prosperity. With that in mind, take this to your next housewarming party and tell its new owner not to worry!
Source: Womens Health
Scott's Thoughts:
- I can grow pretty good vegies in a garden... but not good at flowers and plants.
- I can't have indoor plants because my cat will eat them. Then throw up all over the floor.