A woman in England who’s racked up over half a million dollars by flaunting her unshaven armpits is opening up about the onslaught of abusive messages – and even stalking – she's dealt with since starting her business. Fenella Fox, 30, says the good part of the hustle is cashing in major cash every month, but the downside is the PTSD she lives with after having to endure terrible interactions with people online.
Fox, who started posting body hair content after becoming “fed up” with female beauty standards, also admits, “I've been in the adult industry since I turned 18 (I'm now 30) and I've spent a lot of that time in my bedroom stripping for men,” adding, 'It would be silly to claim that it didn't do some damage.” However, her lifestyle has opened up all kinds of new possibilities like traveling the world and working straight from her phone.
Source: Daily Mail