In Northampton, Massachusetts, four residents of an apartment came a bit too close for comfort to bullets fired from an AK-47-style weapon. Police have charged Joshua Martinelli with 17 counts, including attempted murder and assault with a dangerous weapon. Martinelli, however, has pleaded not guilty. On the scene, police say Martinelli clamed that the neighbors were “trying to poison his dog” and the dog “told him to shoot the neighbors.” Reportedly, police found no one else present at the scene…and the dog has refused to comment thus far.
Source: Mass Live
Speaking of crazy people...
Bill Gates Says Internet Helped “Crazy People” Find Each Other
When it first came into existence, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates had high hopes, thinking it would be something that would make the world “more rational.” Today, Gates has come to the sad realization that it really just made it easier for “crazy people to find each other.” According to Gates’ more idealistic side, the World Wide Web was a tool for people to “responsibly seek information.” Instead, he now sees the internet as a “tool for disinformation and crazy ideas.”
Source: MSN