Scott Stevens

Scott Stevens

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Americans love pizza and a new report from Pizza Hut reveals our pizza preferences and how much of it we’re all eating. The restaurant chain surveyed 5-thousand U.S. adults and found people have pizza three times every month, on average, eating eight slices during that time.

  • Of course, those numbers vary, depending where you live, and Wisconsin takes the lead with an average monthly consumption of 10 slices.
  • North Dakota, New York, Minnesota and Wisconsin are the states that eat the most pizza overall.

The survey also finds:

  • Friday is the most popular day to order pizza.
  • The most popular types of crust are thin (28%), stuffed (20%) and thick crust (14%).
  • Stuffed crust is the favorite in 14 states, led by Wyoming and Montana with 30% of their respondents preferring the stuffed variety.
  • People also love dipping sauces for their slices, ranch is the most popular (38%), followed by garlic sauce (27%) and hot sauce (8%).
  • The most popular style is New York style pizza and pepperoni is the favorite meat topping (42%), except in Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin, where they prefer sausage.
  • Parmesan is the top choice for seasoning (55%), except in New York, where it’s garlic salt (29%).
  • Nearly half (44%) of respondents say they’re willing to try the controversial topping of pineapple on pizza. Other unusual toppings people would try include chili peppers (21%), artichokes (16%), potatoes (15%) and pickles (14%).
  • But there are some toppings people would like to see banned from pies, like fish (23%), beets (21%), blueberries (15%) and plums (14%). But 10% wouldn’t ban anything.
  • A quarter of those polled are open to trying a pizza-flavored cocktail.
  • And three-quarters (74%) enjoy their leftover pizza cold.

Source: Food and Wine

Scott's Thoughts:

  • Great. Now I want pizza.
  • When I crave pizza, it is the only thing that will do.
  • My favorite style is thin crust. Second favorite is the opposite extreme.. PAN!

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