How are your decision-making skills? New research suggests a lot of Americans think they’re pretty good at it. Nearly three-quarters (74%) feel sure about their decision-making ability, describing themselves as decisive, according to a new survey of 2-thousand.
It turns out, that may be good for their love lives, as 40% of respondents have actually ended a relationship over a bad financial choice. But opposites attracting may help here. While one in six of those polled admit to being indecisive, half of them look for a romantic partner who’s more decisive.
The survey reveals:
- Those who are sure about their decisions say it comes down to good judgment skills (68%), confidence (63%), strong intuition (62%), being able to think quickly (58%) and read others’ body language (54%).
- Even those who consider themselves decisive still seek advice from someone at work (35%), the news (29%) and their partners (18%) for money-related decisions.
- For big decisions, people rely on research (55%) and make pro-con lists (55%).
- They also do an average of six hours of research before making a big decision.
- When it comes to major decisions, 60% of respondents want to be 100% sure before buying a house, even more than those who need to be absolutely certain before deciding to get married or divorced (57%), start a family (44%), change jobs (48%) or move (40%).
- But it’s not just really big decisions people struggle with, daily choices can be hard for them, too. The ones they’re regularly unsure about include what to eat for different meals (44%), what to watch on TV (47%), and what to read (39%).
Source: SWNS Digital
Scott's Thoughts:
- Stop struggling about the decision and just eat something already! It’s just one meal and there’s no wrong answer!
- Ending a relationship over money seems petty to me.
- With age comes wisdom. I try to think about ALL purchases more now.