What do you get when you cross potato chips and biscuits and gravy? Apparently, you get a damn tasty snack. Mister Bee, a snack maker out of West Virginia, has teamed up with Tudor’s Biscuit World and the Make-a-Wish Foundation to create a new line of biscuit and gravy-flavored potato chips. A portion of the money from each bag sold benefits the Make-a-Wish Foundation. If you live in the area, they’re said to be relatively easy to find. If you don’t, having a friend that lives near there to help a brother out wouldn’t suck…or call a local retailer and beg them to mail you a few bags.
Source: Sportskeedia
Scott's Thoughts:
- Didn't Lays try this a few years back? Theirs was terrible (IMO)
- I prefer the real thing. Had biscuits and gravy at Hale's in Shawsville on my way to work this morning!
- Honorable mentions on Biscuits and Gravy include: Famous Anthony's, Waffle House, Cracker Barrell and Hardees is not bad for fast food. McDonalds should give it up. Also anyone who has dark gravy for breakfast. Just no. Eww.