A pair of armed thieves stormed into a CVS store in New York City and made off with a real bounty... of Bounty.
Two men with knives were eyeing a very specific item and ran to the door with 20 packs of Bounty paper towels, worth more than $200. When they were confronted by a worker, one of the men threatened him with a knife and ran out of the store. The duo then made a run for the subway with their Bounty but were stopped by police on the street who nabbed them in a real quicker picker-upper. (NY Post)
Scott's Thoughts:
- I guess that makes these cops Bounty hunters.
- Such a shame. There's probably a big spill somewhere that's not going to be cleaned up now.
- How did two guys think they could run off with 20 packs of paper towels? And why?