Scott Stevens

Scott Stevens

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SCN: Dude Unleashes Alleged Cyber Attack On Cop After Jaywalking Ticket

Hell hath no fury like a jaywalker scorned. Back in October of 2019, an officer identified as “John Doe” in legal documents cited John Christopher Spatafore for jaywalking in Fresno, California. According to a new civil lawsuit, Spatafore was so furious about getting the ticket that he allegedly started a cyber-campaign of “harassment and revenge” against the officer. According to the suit, after the jaywalking citation was issued, the officer:

  •  “Began receiving password reset codes, indicating that someone was trying to hack his email account”
  • Over several days, this happened at least ten times
  • Then, “the phone calls, emails, and text messages” started up
  • Allegedly, Spatafore “unleashed thousands of information requests to car dealers, solar companies and retailers”
  • The office says that, in one day, he received “100 texts to his personal phone”
  • There were also allegedly “indications that…Spatafore lurked outside the Plaintiffs’ home” trying to “hack into” their “wireless internet”
  • A false police report was filed accusing the officer of “being involved in a hit-and-run, riding a police motorcycle on a sidewalk “without lights or sirens” and appearing “intoxicated on drugs while laughing aloud”
  • Allegedly, Spatafore also filed a second police report saying the officer’s wife was a “victim of domestic violence”


The suit also mentions the hospital Spatafore worked at, and where the computer used for some of the harassment was allegedly used. Spatafore has since been let go by that hospital, and the hospital has refused comment on pending litigation.S

Source: Yahoo News 

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