No matter when you’re behind the wheel, you have to be careful and pay attention, but it turns out, there are times driving is riskier than others. Between the number of people on the road and hazards, the evening rush hour is the most dangerous time to be on the road, according to new research.
On behalf of personal injury law firm Scott Vicknair, tech marketer Hennessey Digital analyzed data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s fatality and injury reports to find out the time of day that had the most fatal crashes in each state from 2017 to the latest data from 2022. It shows that in general, deadly car crashes happen mostly in the evening.
- The research reveals that between 5 p.m. and 5:59 p.m. is the riskiest time to drive in 12 states across the country.
- These include Colorado, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, Oregon and Vermont.
- In 10 other states, including North Carolina, Ohio and New York, driving between 6 p.m. and 6:59 p.m. is the most dangerous.
- And in seven states, including California and Florida, the most dangerous time to drive is from 8 p.m. to 8:59 p.m.
- One reason driving in the evening can be so unsafe is that traffic is heavier during evening rush hour, plus people are more likely to be tired then.
To lower your risk of crashing and make evening driving safer, experts recommend drivers:
- Stay focused on the road, not your phone - Don’t text or get distracted by your phone and always follow the speed limit.
- Give speeding drivers plenty of space - They’re more likely to lose control of their car, so give them a lot of room or get out of their way.
- Know when it's better to stay off the road - If you’re too tired to drive, pull over for a nap at a rest stop or call for a ride.
Source: Huff Post
Scott's Thoughts:
- It’s not like we can avoid driving in the evening, at least not if we want to get home from work!
- I get this study! Everybody is in such a hurry to get home! Slow down and be careful!
- I try to travel during non peak times as much as I can!