Scott Stevens

Scott Stevens

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Drunk and Drunker

WEIRD NEWS: Drunk and Drunker

If your intoxicated girlfriend is arrested for assaulting a security guard, you should think twice before driving drunk to the police station to pick her up.

Police say the 25-year-old woman and her 26-year-old boyfriend had a few too many drinks at a Troy, Michigan bar and became unruly. When they were asked to leave, the woman picked up a can of Red Bull and threw it at a security guard, hitting him in the face. She also allegedly bit another security guard on the arm. Police arrived and arrested the woman.

The boyfriend later got into his car and drove drunk, on a flat tire, to the police station to pick her up. As he got out of his car, officers approached him told him he had a flat tire and a bent rim, and that he shouldn't have been driving because he was intoxicated. The man claimed he wasn't driving the car but officers saw him and also have him on surveillance footage. He was arrested for DUI and driving with a suspended license. What a couple. They are perfect for each other!

More here:(WDIV-TV)

Scott's Thoughts:

  • You can tell these two are meant for each other.
  • He got himself arrested trying to help her get out of jail. That's a good boyfriend.
  • Believe it or not, the security guard she hit with the Red Bull later told police he didn't want to press charges.

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